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March 9, 2009
Meeting:        Salem Licensing Board held Monday March 9, 2009 at 6:00 in the third floor conference room, 120 Washington Street. Present were Chairman Dave Shea, Members: John Casey, Rick Lee, Special Investigator, Lt. Ouellette and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk.
Approved:       Street Performers License. Applicant: John Corcoran.
                Mr. Corcoran said that last year was his first year and it was wonderful.
                Mr. Shea asked what he does.
Mr. Corcoran said that he does 12 strings, Irish and Scottish music. He said that the people from the PEM asked him to remain in the spot he plays because people were staying in the café area longer to hear him play.
He also said that at the end of the Halloween season the vendors who had been stationed around him took up a collection and gave him a gift because they loved having him perform.
Mr. Shea asked about his schedule.
Mr. Corcoran said that he is mostly outside between 10 am-4pm, sometimes 6 days a week but mostly 4. He said he tries to be out there on the weekends as much as he can.
Mr. Lee motioned to approve the Street Performers License for 7 days a week.
Mr. Casey seconded.

Approved:       Application for Outdoor Entertainment. Ward Two Social Club. Present Pat Hagen, Manager.        
        Mr. Shea asked if he had done this before.
        Mr. Hagen said yes. The club held this same event last year for its anniversary. He said they also invite the community to come to the club and celebrate with them. He said they have raised money through entertainment at the club for the event. The event will be on Sat. August 1st, from 1-4 pm.
        Mr. Shea asked how the neighbors were invited.
        Mr. Hagen said they distribute a flyer out in the neighborhood. He gave a copy f the flier to all of the Board members.
        Mr. Shea asked Lt. Ouellette if there were any known problems last year.
        Lt. Ouellette said he was not aware of any.
        Mr. Casey asked if the liquor will be contained to the patio area.
        Mr. Hagen said it would be.
        Mr. Lee asked about a detail officer last year.
        Mr. Hagen said there was not one but he would be happy to get one for the 4 hours of this event this year.
        Mr. Shea said that is a good idea where it is so close to a park.
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve.
        Mr. Casey seconded.


Approved:       One Day Liquor License. Applicant: Jennifer Santo of Parents United/Salem Common Playground.    
        Mr. Casey asked who will be pouring at this event.
        Ms. Santo said that there will be 3 different places there for beer & wine tasting. Eric Olsen of Salem Wine Imports, Michael from Highland Plaza Liquors and Joe from Salem Beer Works.
        Mr. Shea asked what it is they are doing.
        Ms. Santo said that this is a fundraiser for a new Salem Common Playground.  She said the fundraiser will be held on March 21 at Hamilton Hall from 7-10 pm with about 150 people. She said there will be food sampling from area restaurants as well. She said it is $30 a ticket or $50. a couple.
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve and waive the $100.00 fee.
Mr. Casey seconded.
Application:    Class II Auto Dealers. Applicant: Charles Kopoulos.
        39 Bridge Street, Pegasus Auto. Present with Mr. Kopoulos was his brother, Bill.
        Mr. Shea asked if he was purchasing the business and what his back round was.
        Mr. Kopoulos said that he is and that he has been in this business most of his life. He said that he retired in 2005 but wants to come back to work He said he owned a dealership in Lynn for many years. He said that there will be no employees and not more than 15 cars.
        Mr. Shea asked what business he previously owned in Lynn.
        Mr. Kopoulos said it was at 100 Central Ave.
        Mr. Shea asked what the current license for this address read.
        Mr. Casey said it allows 5 cars inside and 10 outside. He also said he did not see a surety bond in Mr. Kopoulos’ name in the paperwork and that we would need that before issuing the License.
        Mr. Shea asked Mr. Kopoulos is currently running the business.
        Mr. Kopoulos said that he has been for the last several months.
        Mr. Turpin who is the current License holder and id here to extinguish the current License stepped up to the table to tell the Board that Mr. Kopoulos has a lease with him as he still is the property owner.
        Mr. Shea asked if signage would be the same.
        Mr. Kopoulos said it would be.          
        Mr. Shea asked if anyone would like to speak to this matter.
        Suzanne Sullivan, owner of the Clipper Ship Inn in the public gallery said that she would. She said that she has been wondering who now owns the lot where the building was torn down. She said it used to be Witch City Auto Body. She said the land over there looks like a dump site. She said she wants to see if this Board can somehow come up with a solution. She also said she feels there are more like 30 cars over on the lot, not 15. She said there is a Red Cross box over there with stuff constantly piling up all around it. She said she does not know if this is the right Board to come to but it would be nice to see the lot improved.
        Lt. Ouellette said he received a call a couple of months ago on this and went down there. He said the auto mechanic n the back f the building needs to rope off his area to differentiate which cars are which.
        Mr. Turpin said Pegasus is 39 Bridge Street but the auto mechanic is 35 Bridge Street.
        Mr. Casey said that the concern is that this is all Mr. Turpins property even though they are separate businesses.
        ***Discussion with Board and Mr. Turpin about property***

        Ms. Sullivan said she never saw any markings to differentiate the businesses. She also thinks that the way it looks does not fit into to all the hard work and plans that the Bridge Street owners have made to make Bridge Street look good.
        Mr. She said he agrees to that point and that there has been lots of effort to make Bridge Street look better.
        Mr. Turpin said if you go see it you can see the distinction.
        Mr. Lee asked Lt. Ouellette what his opinion was.
        Lt. Ouellette said that the new owner should mark where his vehicles are and the auto body shop should move there cars.
        In the public gallery, Roberta DeThomas said that she purchased a vehicle form Mr. Kopoulos in the fall. She said the vehicle quickly began to have problems with leaking, the breaks and the horn going off uncontrollably. She said that she has given a $400.00 down payment for the van but quickly had to retrieve her old vehicle because the one he sold her was not safe. She said that he kept $100.00 of her money for cleaning her old vehicle which he did not do.
        Mr. Shea asked her to write or e-mail the Board a letter for his file and that if the Board saw a pattern of complaints then they could take action.
        Mr. Casey motioned to extinguish the License to Greg Turpin for Pegasus Auto.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve the application for Pegasus Auto with Charles Kopoulos with the conditions that he provides a surety bond as ordered by the state and Articles of Organization with his name on them. License will be for 5 vehicle son the inside and 10 on the outside. The 10 vehicles outside must be marked up with white lines. The property line must be delineated. Once that is complete Mr. Casey will inspect the premises and then a License will be issued.
Mr. Shea again spoke with Ms. DeThomas and said that this Board cannot get into a complaint and response session but will take this matter very seriously if more complaints are files.

Approved:       Applicant: In a Pig’s Eye. Present: Jennifer Reardon. Extension of hours and amendment to Entertainment License.
        Mr. Shea said that Ms. Reardon is here to expand hours and entertainment license. He said she currently holds a 7 days Liquor License. He said she used to operate 6 days a week and at some point got permission form this Board to open on Sunday evenings for private functions. He said she now wants to open to the public on Sunday evening.
        Ms. Reardon said she would like to open to the public on Sunday evening and have jazz music between 5-9 pm. She said the music will be over at 9pm. She said she would like for the restaurant to remain open after the music stops at 9pm.
        Mr. Shea asked if anyone would like to speak to this matter.
        In the public gallery there were about 15 people who came in support of Ms. Reardon. They said they were all YAY votes and no Nay’s.
        Mr. Lee asked about the bench on Daniels Street.
        Ms. Reardon said that she removed the bench. She said it could not be out on Derby Street because of the window boxes so she removed it all together. She said however, people now just stand n Daniel Street because of pedestrian and vehicle traffic on Derby Street. She said has tried all she can to persuade people to stand on Derby Street.  She said they still smoke on Daniels Street, bench or no bench.
        Mr. Lee said that maybe she can post something inside for patrons but he can see that she has at least tried to solve this problem. He said he knows there will be a problem in warm weather.
        Ms. Reardon said she is doing everything she can.
        Mr. Shea wanted to note the many expressions of support for the record.
        Mr. Casey motioned to change the Common Victuallers License to read Sunday hours 12 noon- 12:00 am, and add to the entertainment license, Sundays from 5-9 pm.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
Show:   Hearing. Spirits @ 300 Derby Street ,for Noise complaints and signage issues. No one from establishment present.
        Board decided to call them in for another Hearing again on March 23, 2009.
       Pam Wilson, patron of all downtown restaurants asked if this was in regards to noise.
        Mr. Shea said that it was.
        Ms. Wilson said that she does not think that these complaints are founded and that she frequents there as well and the music is tolerable.
Business:       *Ms. Sullivan from the Clipper Ship Inn wanted to know what else could be done about 39 Bridge Street.
        Mr. Shea said that this Board would notify the Health and Fire Department about the issues of a dirty lot and abandoned vehicles.

        *Board and Clerk had discussion about process for insurance certificates for One Day Liquor Licenses. Mr. Shea decided that is would continue the way it has been being done.
ications:       The Board read the Salem News article and the police report on the shooting at Casa Blanca.                     
        Mr. Shea asked if there were any arrest made.
        Lt. Ouellette said there were not. Men came in the bar earlier looking for someone but did not find them and was escorted out by security. If anything Casa Blanca probably prevented a shooting inside by making them leave. He said the incident is still under investigation.
        Mr. Lee said at his and Lt. Ouellette’s check of establishments theirs was very good. He said he doubted anyone could get a gun in there.       
        Lt. Ouellette said that he feels it is not their fault.
        Mr. Shea said no further action is needed at this time.

Approved:       Minutes from February 23, 2009 meeting.

        Mr. Casey motioned to adjourn.
        Mr. Lee seconded.       
Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board

Submitted: March 10, 2009
Approved: March 23, 2009